made by Leeloumade by Leeloumade by Leelou

Monday, August 15, 2011

Worst Dream

I had a worst dream, 2 days ago. And it was the worst, than any horror dreams i've even seen! I really wanted to tell you guys, how worst it is, but, im afraid that it all ends with 'hard feelings'. Well, since it was my blog, and i can post everything i want, i'll tell you.

I have a friend, boy, of course. He's nice to me, and he's one of my close friends and in my class one of my friend knows about him. One day, I dreamed about him. I dreamed that I'm in relationship with him. When i woke up, i didnt remember anything. So, i do what i'm scheduled to do. I went to school, bla-bla-bla. And then, I open one of my friend's blog, the boy's girlfriend's blog. I opened it and I saw pictures of him with her. So romantic, and my heart was like beating so hard. Like jealous or something, but that's impossible, of course. And then I realized that I dreamed about him! I was like "NO WAY!" but, i dont know, dream choose it, I WOULD NEVER DREAM THAT IF I COULD CHOOSE WHAT I WANNA DREAM AT SLEEP!

I told that to Arin, Costa, and Rani. Some of my friends who can be trusted. But now, everytime i sees him, i was like "OMG!". Nonono, it's not a sign that im falling in love with him. But, i dont know. WHY MUST I HAVE THIS DREAM?!?! ergh, let Jesus answer it. Thanks for reading, btw. :)

~michelle averil~


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